Frequently asked Questions
BEHostings - Out of Office Message
Your domain name and your mail server is hosted at BEHostings through us. You can now configure a response message in OOF (Out of Office)
BEHostings - Ajouter votre boîte mail dans votre smartphone
Il est possible de avoir vos mails sur votre smartphone. Nous proposons la procédure qui utilise l'appli OUTLOOK de Microsoft
BEHostings - Ajouter votre boîte mail dans Outlook pour PC
Vous pouvez utiliser n'importe quel logiciel de mail pour gérer vos mails. La procédure décrite en annexe est valable pour n'importe quelle version de OUTLOOK pour PC
BEHostings - Webmail
Your domain name and your mail server is hosted at BEHostings through us.
You can access your past emails via webmail linked to your domain name. Start a Web browser, type the name of your site in the address followed by /webmail/ bar and press < Enter >. The login window will allow you to log in to webmail by entering your email address and your password.
When you enter the name of your site, we suggest you to precede the www of https: in order to have a secure connection.
ARNAQUE - L'arnaque de la fausse contamination et PC soit-disant bloqué
Windows Defender demande d'appeler un numéro chez Microsoft suite au blocage "par sécurité" de votre PC.
L'arnaque par excellence.
Ne tombez pas dans le piège, pour s'en sortir ? Deux méthodes :
- Pressez sur le bouton d'allumage de votre PC durant au moins 20 secondes pour être certain qu'il s'éteigne complètement et que l'arrêt NE SOIT PAS une simple mise en veille. Au redémarrage, tout sera rentré dans l'ordre.
- Pressez <Ctrl><Alt><Del> et demandez e gestionnaire des tâches. Parmi les tâches qui tournent, supprimez toutes les tâches relatives à votre navigateur WEB (Edge, Chrom, FireFox, Opera,...). Le blocage aura cessé .
What is u' a responsive site?
Responsive Web Design, in French, adaptive web site design is a website design method that allows their display in the correct manner, whatever the device that displays the site: pc, tablet or smartphone.
The notion of adaptive web think back how to design courses on the Internet, since it does more to design as many courses that there are families of terminals but to design a single adaptable interface. Thus, the sources of information and the technical bases are not duplicated. This creates economies of scale in design and maintenance of web sites benefiting from this design mode.
In order to understand the difference, we have kept our old site (non responsive).
What does GDPR mean ?
Qu'entend-on par se faire hameçonner ?
Phishing or hameçonnage (French) is a technique used by fraudsters to obtain personal information for the purpose of perpetrating identity theft. The technique is to make the victim believe that it is directed to a third party of confidence — bank, administration, etc. — in order to extract personal information: password, credit card number, date of birth, etc. Indeed, more often than not, an exact copy of a website is made in order to make the victim believe that she is on the official website where she was thinking of connecting ...
COMPTA_Wave - year closing procedure
History of the evolution of the program:
Before 2006, only financial and third party accounts were reopened automatically at the end of a
fiscal year / beginning of next year. This reopening OD was a counterparty to an account
waiting to transfer to a provisional allocation of the result (149900) account or exercise (499900).
The balance sheet accounts and the operations of regularisation of third party accounts were to be
a manual re-opening by AOD on the next fiscal year. All these OD had a counterpart to the
same transfer account of exercise during the reopening of the financial and third party. When the reopening
was completely finished, this suspense account was on sale. Generally, if it was not on sale, oblivion is
was at the level of the regularisation of third-party accounts.
Since April 2006, the balance from a previous year accounts could be subject to re-openings
interim in the current fiscal year. The last temporary reopening is considered final.
At this point, if the account pending transfer of exercise was not on sale, he could no longer be that of
regularisation of third party not charged to the following year.
Since March 2009, in the version of the program CW-15-0 - 3 g from 26/03/2009, reopening on the exercise
following is more no manual posting.